Revegetation involves the process of planting and facilitation of successful soil restoration and stabilisation in disturbed landscapes. Natural regeneration is a slow process and not successful on land that has been totally cleared and/or highly degraded. Application of site-appropriate Hydromulching, Hydroseeding and Tubestock Planting accelerates the rejuvenation process, utilising native seeds and plants indigenous to the location.
Transcape owns and operates our fully equipped Hydromulch truck and we obtain our own Tubestock directly from our affiliated company; Rocky Springs Nursery Our philosophy is “do it once and do it right!”
Hydromulching and Hydroseeding provide environmentally friendly, cost effective and efficient alternatives to traditional planting processes such as hand/drill seeding and sod applications and the process can reach inaccessible or sloping areas.
If required, we can offer temporary irrigation solutions until establishment (typically 3 months).
Transcape provides a cost-effective and professional Hydromulching Service
Hydromulching is similar to hydroseeding but a ‘fibre-mulch’ is added to the mixture of seed, fertiliser, tackifiers, and optional dye, soil ameliorants/conditioners and water. The addition of fibre mulch acts as a cover for the seed and helps to retain moisture for faster germination and growth as well as protection from weather conditions which can lead to soil erosion and loss of seed.
Drawing on our extensive experience, and with consideration of seasonal influences, seed selection, land contour and overall project intent, Transcape will tailor a hydromulch “mix” solution for your individual project.
We recently completed an extensive hydromulching project at a major highway expansion in Townsville resulting in successful rejuvenation of cleared land within the 90 day period specified.
Sometimes alternatives to the Main Roads specifications are required to address specific site conditions and/or limitations to project budgets. Transcape can provide solutions to reduce or offset the cost of soil importation. We can nominate hydromulch mixes that will endure long periods of dry (no irrigation) or mixes to suit very steep slopes and batters.
Our reputation is founded on the delivery of successful project outcomes and our willingness to share knowledge and lessons learned gained over more than three decades. This collaborative approach, along with our strict adherence to safety, quality and environmental obligations and minimal corrections, has secured Transcape with a high percentage of repeat business, making us the preferred revegetation contractor in the North.
Plant species can be critical and we are leading the way with local knowledge of native plants. There are times whether it be due to wildfire, mining, flood or neglect, soil/landscape needs assistance in order to rebuild itself and flourish. To speed up the repair process, Transcape has local knowledge of plant life and soil profiling.
We are leading the industry for revegetation based on our knowledge of plant species and growing procedures that work best in our climate.
Hydroseeding represents a low-cost alternative to laying turf yet is far superior to conventional hand seeding. I can be applied to flat areas, and gentle batters and slopes. It is an effective and environmentally friendly solution for revegetation, dust suppression and erosion control. Using hydraulic application of seed, water and fertiliser sprayed evenly onto a prepared soil surface, large areas can be revegetated quickly.
We can recommend optional additives that may be included to support growth and/or a binder can be added to improve soil/seed adhesion, preventing seed loss from wind and rain, preventing erosion, increasing water retention and promoting faster seed germination.
Revegetation can involve a combination of methodologies including planting of selected species of tubestock on suitably prepared stable soil profile.
Transcape provides recommendations on the extent and type of revegetation (planting) and the selection of species, subject to the proposed end land use, landform/slope, climatic conditions and soil conditions. These determining factors may vary across different parts of the site.
With advanced notice, we can provide nursery raised stock from locally acquired propagules that are indigenous to the site OR we can provide a selection of suitable tubestock from our range of commonly requested species of grasses and shrubs available at our affiliated company; Rocky Springs Nursery
We can also provide monitoring and maintenance solutions until your tubestock is established. This may involve staking, mulching, watering and fertilising.
Transcape’s extensive experience and knowledge of methodologies and strategies, combined with our ability to provide locally suitable plant species from our affiliated company; Rocky Springs Nursery, ensures our status as an industry leader and preferred contractor in the field of revegetation services.
When your project brief requires a fully competent and experienced team to design and/or construct your commercial landscaping or re-vegetation project then our dedicated and progressive team have the runs on the board!
Address: 8 Mafeking Street Stuart |
Ph: (07) 4417 9209
Mobile: 0457 340 827
QBCC Lic: 1286994
Transcape Enterprises Pty Ltd (Trading as Transcape Constructions) is 100% locally owned and operated. We commenced operations in 1986, specialising in commercial landscape construction, revegetation and maintenance services, supporting all facets of industry and Government.
Our expertise ranges from simple soft scapes to new community infrastructure, extensive re-vegetation projects to complex and long duration landscape construction projects.
Transcape Constructions Townsville are a leading Townsville landscaping design and fabrication specialist with many years of experience in the region. We are also the longest established professional standards Townsville revegetation business operating in North Queensland with a lot of work completed or in progress with mining corporations and other civil industries. There is a demand for Townsville hydroseeding services as well and it is a niche market that we have been avidly pursuing and involved with for some time. We also are the foremost Townsville hydromulching enterprise in NQ with services offered to vast clientele.
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